16 year old girl geeks out over superhero movie, is mildly embarrassed

aou review photo

Avengers: Age of Ultron has been one of the most anticipated movies of the year, and it’s had a lot to live up to, following in the footsteps of movies like Avengers, Iron Man 3 and Captain America 2, The Winter Soldier. Although AoU didn’t quite live up to those box office giants, it was still a suitable movie that I’m quite impressed with.

Of course, this movie is not for one who doesn’t like violence, action scenes and clichéd tough superhero lines like “If you get killed, you walk it off.” (Easy for you to say, Captain America.) But for those of us who love a classic Marvel movie, this is definitely a great one to watch. The plot is interesting and creative. Without giving too much away, it involves Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., making a teeny little mistake that almost ends the human race, causing the Avengers to band together again to triumph over evil. AoU also introduces two new characters: Wanda Maximoff, played by Elizabeth Olsen, and Pietro Maximoff, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, nicknamed the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, respectively. Wanda is an incredibly powerful “witch” with an arsenal of superpowers that include telekinesis and some weird version of telepathy involving people’s fears, which in my opinion makes her more powerful than all of the Avengers combined. Quicksilver has the ability to move and think at superhuman speed. These two additions add a needed new twist to the Avengers universe. I hope to see more of them in prominent roles in future movies.

The one incredibly disappointing aspect of AoU was Black Widow’s — who is played by Scarlett Johansson — storyline. Warning: this paragraph will contain spoilers. Frankly, it was weak. Her character wasn’t totally butchered, and she certainly had some great scenes, but her much-anticipated storyline could have been a lot more empowering. There is one scene in particular that had me rolling my eyes so far back into my head I could see brain cells. It was when the Scarlet Witch accessed the memory that Black Widow believed made her a monster. And that memory was her being sterilized. Now, if the wording had been different on this part, all would have been fine. If the Scarlet Witch had accessed a sad memory, or a low point in Black Widow’s life, that scene would have passed without incident. But it didn’t. A scene with a lot of potential was made stupid and, frankly, sexist. Not only was it offensive to sterile women everywhere, it is incredibly unrealistic. I refuse to believe that in Black Widow’s life of being a Soviet superspy, where she is trained to kill without mercy from a young age, not being able to have children is what she thinks makes her a monster. It’s upsetting because her storyline could have easily been remedied with better writing without harming the overall plot of the movie.

Besides that unfortunate plotline, the movie was engaging and entertaining. While it wasn’t the best Marvel movie ever created, it certainly will become one of the greats.