JV volleyball keeps undefeated title against Dripping Springs

Caitlyn Donahue, former volleyball player for Kansas state, has just become the JV girls volleyball head coach. With her extensive volleyball background and experience, the team is on the right track to keep their undefeated title for another season. 

“My goal for this season as a coach is to bring things to the team I have learned after being at such a high competitive level for so many years, back to the high school level so they can be ahead of the game,” Donahue said. 

Showing them a new perspective brings out new skills, and Donahue knows that this will help them improve. 

“I want each player to learn and grow and I also want to make sure they are ready for varsity next year,” Donahue said. 

Throughout the interview, Donahue showed that she truly cares about this team and knows the potential this team carries. She will do as much as she can to help these girls improve and potentially move up to varsity next year. 

“This year we have some new people who moved up, and I just think we are all going to mesh really well this season,” said libero sophomore Charlotte Voss.

After speaking with Charlotte Voss, she brought out her opinion on the team this year. She is excited to see where this team will go this year and has been impressed so far of what they have achieved. 

“Seeing how we improved just during the day of the tournament last weekend, was quite impressive… our energy levels got higher and higher as the tournament went on and it was truly amazing to see,” Charlotte said. “Our talking got better too and that just reflects how this season will hopefully play out.” 

At the game, it was clearly reflected that they improved on the second set of the game, the first score was 25-21 and the second game was 25-17. The team is ready to crush this season and grow stronger together.