Westlake provides summer classes to students who want to gain credit

It’s not too late to register for summer school. A variety of classes are being offered over the summer to students who want to get ahead in their learning or did not meet the requirements to receive credit for a previously taken course.

“Taking a class through Westlake is great if you are recovering credit or trying to accelerate,” counselor Heidi Sauer said. “It is reassuring to know that the curriculum is taught by a certified teacher, who most likely already teaches in Eanes ISD. Taking summer school is a great way for students to make room in their regular schedule for a course that is of greater interest to them. They will be able to have the satisfaction of getting a course required for graduation out of the way.”

Classes are held in the Ninth Grade Center and take place in two sessions, the first running from June 8-25 and the second from July 2-23. One session is equivalent to one semester of a course, so the curriculum is condensed in order to fit into a three-week period.

“Generally, summer classes are easier than classes taken during the regular year,” Sauer said. “It is impossible to fit a full semester of work into a three week program, so some things about the course will be easier. However, there will be a considerable amount of reading involved, so to a certain extent, it depends on each individual’s pace of reading and comprehension.”

Grading complies with regular school year standards, and the grades earned during the summer will appear on students’ high school transcripts. While they will not be factored into GPA or rank, Sauer emphasizes the importance of getting decent grades in summer courses.

“It’s important to do well, since college admission officers will be able to see the grade a student earned on his or her transcript,” Sauer said. “The grade earned in summer school is just an additional grade [to those earned in the regular year].”

Classes meet Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Students are advised to make attendance a top priority. Missing six or more hours in a session will result in the withdrawal from summer school, denial of credit and forfeiture of tuition. Courses cost $300 each if registered by June 3. There is an opportunity for late registration on June 8 for $330, space permitting. For those who are worried about attendance or other aspects of summer classes at Westlake, there are alternative options.

“Consider the source of your curriculum,” Sauer said. “If you are taking a course that is potentially important to your major, you might consider taking it at Austin Community College for dual credit. This would be a great experience with an actual college course, on a college campus, taught by a college professor. Correspondence courses are an excellent option for students who will be traveling over the summer, as they are self-paced and meet minimum requirements for graduation.”