Music fan admires distinctive style of Mother Falcon

Mother Falcon expressed immense talent at their Aug. 27th concert at The Long Center.

My heart paused as music began to flow from nimble fingers and voices that left me speechless. A mixture of classical, indie and alternative poured out of string and brass instruments and blended with the vocals of Claire Puckett and former Westlake student Nick Gregg. Gregg and Puckett, along with up to 20 other musicians, form the musical group known as Mother Falcon. On Aug. 27, I had the amazing opportunity to experience Mother Falcon’s music live for the second time, at the Long Center. Last year I enjoyed their performance at The Belmont. While both of the venues created different environments, the band did not fail to mesmerize me.

Adding cello, accordion, violin and several other unorthodox instruments to the genres of indie and alternative, Mother Falcon has created one of the most unique sounds in the music industry. They currently have produced three albums and one EP, in which Gregg provides an anchor with his strong and distinct voice throughout each song, and Puckett carries listeners away with her wispy lyrics. Mother Falcon understands the value and beauty of music with emphasis on the group as a whole rather than individual members as exemplified by their black and red outfits. I hope Mother Falcon continues to grow, and that all music fans have the chance to experience their amazing talent.