Students encouraged to order Homecoming mums before Sept. 19

The Mum Moms take on the job of crafting mums for Homecoming every year. A new year means a new style for the  mums. After each Homecoming, the Mum Moms decide on their style for the next year’s mums. They start getting supplies in January and work all throughout the summer. It takes patience and hard work to make a mum.

According to Mum Mom Katina Gase, one single mum takes about three hours to make because of the labor-intensive cutting and attaching of ribbons and other decorations. Approximately 1,500-1,600 mums are ordered prior to the Sept. 19 early deadline. Mums and armbands can be customized according to the wearer.

Mums are an annual Texas tradition. People buy mums for dates, friends, daughters, sons, parents and teachers. This is a huge fundraiser for the WHS PTO, and buying a mum benefits all students at WHS.The pick-up dates for ordered mums will be Oct. 13-16 in the Mum room (341). Those ordering more than one mum should attach additional forms which are available on the WHS website or in the mum room. Students can order a mum anytime up until three days prior to the Homecoming game on Oct. 17. Mums ordered before Sept. 19 will receive a discount. Arm bands are also available, which are more popular for boys. Those ordering a double mum or triple mum must be ordered by Oct. 3.

Average cost of single mum: $40

Average cost of double mum: $75

Average cost of triple mum: $115

Average cost of armband $15

(Before Sept. 19 prices)